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Remote Patient Monitoring - The Basics

If you're interested in implementing a remote patient monitoring system in your organization, you'll need to understand what it is, how it works, and what it can do for you. While the exact definition of a remote patient monitoring system is not always clear, the following are some of the most important aspects to look for. In addition, the right remote patient monitoring software should support ongoing coding and billing systems. This will help you maximize your earnings from the system. When selecting a remote patient monitoring system, make sure to ask about customer support, hosting, and customization.


A remote patient monitoring system should provide a way to measure a patient's vital signs. This data will help doctors make decisions about treatments and adherence to treatment. The data collected from this system can also be used to monitor a patient's condition in real time. The real-time data gathered can help doctors better understand their patients and prevent unnecessary ER visits. This technology also improves communication between doctors and patients.

Devices and Data Transmission

Remote patient monitoring systems can improve the quality of care and the outcomes of patients suffering from chronic conditions. It allows clinicians to monitor patients' health more easily, reducing the burden on the healthcare system. These systems include wearable technology designed for ease of use, which can help them detect signs of negative biometric trends early. In addition to empowering patients, these systems can provide healthcare professionals with more information about a patient's condition, helping them determine what treatments, procedures, and medications are working best. There is a big debate within the industry between Bluetooth devices or cellular based devices. Read more about the debate here.

RPM devices and programs require FDA approval. This is an important component for manufacturers. It's a time-consuming process to ensure the devices are compliant with the standards and regulations of healthcare. In addition, these processes take time, so the costs of a remote patient monitoring system can add up. A remote patient monitoring system should also be easy to use and maintain. If your organization doesn't have an in-house team to manage the system, you can choose to sign up with a turnkey solution like GatewayMD. Check out a blog that shows how GatewayMD increases patient compliance and patient engagement here.


Chronic conditions are among the biggest expenses in healthcare. These patients often visit clinics and hospitals, and they're at a higher risk for COVID complications. With a remote patient monitoring system, doctors can monitor these patients more efficiently from a distance. This technology reduces the burden on the healthcare system and reduces patient risk, hospital readmissions, emergency room visits, and staff workload. These benefits make remote patient monitoring an essential tool for healthcare providers.

An RPM system uses machine learning algorithms to help clinicians anticipate problems. These algorithms help identify warning signs and send alerts when a patient's condition worsens. These tools can also help small practices launch their own RPM programs. A well-built remote patient monitoring system will provide easy-to-use mobile apps for patients to use. Additionally, the system can support billing for chronic care management.



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